Advisory Committees

The Fire Safety Research Institute (FSRI), part of UL Research Institutes, leverages the expertise of industry professionals through its advisory committees to enhance its research and amplification efforts. These committees provide valuable insights and guidance across key areas of focus.
The Advisory Board was established in 2014 as is comprised of industry leaders who offer high-level strategic direction for the institute's research and activities. In 2023, FSRI expanded its advisory structure by forming specialized committees for Public Safety Education, Training, and Wildland Urban Interface (WUI). These committees focus on guiding FSRI's efforts in public safety initiatives, training and education programs, and the unique challenges presented by the wildland-urban interface. Together, these advisory bodies ensure that FSRI's work remains at the forefront of fire safety research, training and education.

Advisory Board
Informing the trajectory of FSRI research and amplification endeavors.

Public Education Advisory Committee
Guiding the development of programs and campaigns to educate the general public about fire safety and drive awareness of preventative measures that can help save lives.

Training Advisory Committee
Guiding training content development for the Fire Safety Academy.

Wildland Urban Interface Advisory Committee
Collaboration within the specialized field of wildland urban interface (WUI) research.
Published: December 3, 2024